

本研究旨在精進高階文官人格量表的信度與效度,並建立常模資料庫。六個高階文官應具有之人格特質為嚴謹性、情緒穩定性、友善性、使命感、領導性以及創新學習。有效樣本為2648份,包含不同官等、性別、主管與非主管、行政與技術人員。信度分析包含組合信度與再測信度,分析結果證實本量表具有高度穩定性。效度分析包含建構效度與效標關聯效度,分析結果證實本量表具有高度正確性。群體差異分析顯示,六個人格構面在官等、性別、主管與否上有顯著差異,在行政與技術人員上則無顯著差異。除了呈現以原始分數-百分等級對照表呈現常模資料外,本研究以構面組型區間(pattern interval)的概念來表達理想高階文官所應具有之人格樣貌,可做為切分標準(cutting point)之用。最後針對量表應用與執行,分別就選才、用才、育才詳細說明,並提出注意事項與未來建議。綜觀研究成果,高階文官人格量表實為具有高度實務應用價值之參考工具。
The primary objective of this study is to determine the validity, reliability, and ultimately established a norm database of the personality inventory developed for the top level civil service employees in Taiwan. Among the top level civil service employees, the study found that they possess these various personalities: conscientiousness, emotional stability, agreeableness, sense of mission, leadership, and innovation. For the data analysis a total of 2648 surveys are gathered. Participants’ demographics consist of their civil service levels, gender, administrative/technical positions, and supervisory/non-supervisory positions. For the reliability test, both composite and test re-test reliability is computed to be highly stable. While, validity test shows that both construct and criterion related validity to be quite accurate. With regards to the group differences analysis, results show that there are significant differences with the various personalities among the different levels of civil service employees, gender, and supervisory/non-supervisory positions. While, no significant differences are found among the administrative/technical positions. Besides the percentile ranking of the data gathered, the study also provided the concept of pattern intervals to depict a visual picture of desired top level civil employee. In addition, this patter interval can also be used as a cutting point. Lastly, with regards to the application and implementation of the scale, the study proposed several usages, such as: recruitment, training, and detailed job description. In sum, the proposed personality inventory developed for the top level civil service employees is proven to be a tool of high practical value.

Keywords: top level civil service employees, validity, reliability, norm